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Why This Site? 🤔

18 May 2024 - Tanner

Welcome to my personal site and blog! I’m Tanner, a tech enthusiast who wants to practice writing and dive into topics like cyber security, development, and anything else that catches my eye.

Why a Personal Site?

This is probably the 6th or 7th iteration of my personal site. In the past, I followed tutorials to create my personal sites, but they never felt like mine. This time, I wanted a clean, simple space to share my tech journey and interests with anyone willing to listen read.

Creating this site from scratch without following a tutorial or guide was refreshing. It allowed me to incorporate only want I wanted and design the site to match my overall style. From the ground up, the site feels like it’s mine and, best of all, it should be easy to maintain and update.

My Nemesis

There’s another reason behind this site: I hate writing. However, my desire to “build in public” pushed me to start this blog. By sharing my experiences and projects, I hope to connect with others who love tech for the sake of tech, not just for the money or lifestyle it can bring.

Writing was always a challenge for me growing up. I either would ramble on forever or make a 10-page easy no more than 4 sentences. My plan is to post a new blog at least once every week, by Sunday at noon EST. I think one post a week is enough to form habit but without becoming a chore. Since all fields in tech require a lot of communication and documentation, I aim to improve those skills through this blog, along with helping others understand that not all journeys through tech happen the same way.

The Story So Far

Now that this site is more or less done, I’d like to focus on the redesign and refactoring of Boring Weather before 2024 WWDC. I had the idea early 2023, and the goal was to publish the app by the end of the year. I only started development sometime late in the summer, so what I released in November was more of an MVP than a finished app. I’ll dig into that in another post, sharing my thought process, design decisions, and technical challenges along the way.

Looking into the future, AI/ML is not going away anytime soon, but I see that a lot of people aren’t sure how the technology works fully, myself included. I’d like to work on some sort of website or app that provides some basics of different tech information in an easy-to-understand way. I also am interested in how AI/ML can be, and is being, used in fields like healthcare and cyber security.

What’s Next?

So, here’s to new adventures, sharing cool projects, and learning together! In the coming months, I plan to cover a variety of topics, from detailed project updates to explorations of new technologies. I hope this blog becomes a valuable resource for fellow tech enthusiasts and a place for meaningful conversations.

If you’d like to connect, check out the links below. Whether you have feedback, questions, or just want to chat about tech, I’d love to hear from you.